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If you live near an Industrial Wind Turbine Farm, Please Read and Fill Out the following.

shadow flicker survey(Word Document) PDF

wind turbine noise survey(Word Document) PDF


Wake Up New York

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Clinical Study of "Wind Turbine Syndrome"

Nina Pierpont, MD, PhD

March 4, 2006


Nina Pierpont, MD, PhD, Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics and a former clinical professor of pediatrics at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, New York, has begun a clinical study of "wind turbine syndrome."

Dr. Pierpont is asking anyone living near wind turbines and suffering ill health effects of whatever sort which he/she suspects are a result of the wind turbines -- asking these people to contact her at either (518) 483-6481 (Malone, New York, USA) or pierpont@westelcom.com (see www.ninapierpont.com).  She will do a telephone interview (takes about 30 minutes), where your identity will be held strictly confidential.  What she is after is evidence and data (as with any medical research project, your identity would remain confidential, always and forever). 

Dr. Pierpont's study will be published in a leading clinical medical journal sometime within the next 12 months, she expects.  One of the purposes of the study is to influence public policy, around the world, to ensure the proper, medically-responsible siting of wind turbines.